Monday, November 12, 2012


Welcome to my new blog, Gift Bags n More.  I am glad you stopped by to visit me.   I am a semi-retired grandmother living in Florida.  I can't stand to not be busy, so I am always doing something, thus the "semi-retired".  It helps me keep young!
Gift Bags n More developed from requests for Gift Bags of different products.  I have done the gift bags for shows and they were a great hit.  So I decided to offer them on my own web site
Now I do have a guest "star" that will visit from time to time.  She is our very own cat, Punkin.  She has been with me at work since 2002 and lived at work until I semi-retired last year.  You can say that Punkin retired with me.  Now it wasn't easy getting her to retire with me as my husband of 49 years (yep, 49 years as of 12/28/12) does NOT LIKE cats.  It took 2 of my bosses to talk my hubby into it.  So hubby decided to go ahead and let Punkin come live with us.  Well, needless to say, Punkin now has my hubby wrapped around her little paw!  He Loves Punkin.  Now he won't admit to that, he will just claim he likes her, but he is constantly talking to her and she meows back to him!  She talks more to him than to me and I have taken care of her for 10 years

Here is Punkin at work.  She was always helping me get my work done.  She is a little cat.  When most people first see her, they think she is a young kitten.  They don't believe me when I tell them that she is 12 years old.  She is a small cat and I like that about her.  She is very independent as most cats are. 
On my web site, I offer Just Fur Pets®, a new pet line.  Just Fur Pets is not like any other pet product.  It is a trendy line of products designed to pamper and tackle any furry situation.  The exclusive FURSURE Blend, which is trademarked, is made with only the best, most natural ingredients.  All Just Fur Pets® Products are free of Alcohol, Phthalates, Petroleum Derivatives, Sulfates and Parabens.

You can buy Just Fur Pets in 4 different gift bags or each product individually.  Take it from Punkin, "This is the best pet product out there" and "Don't forget your pets!".

So in the future, I will have Punkin visit quite often.  I will also have guest pets visiting.  I heard that Mr. Moose Mills is quite the traveler, so I am sure he will be stopping by also.

Look for me on twitter @giftbagsnmore.  I also would love you to stop by my Facebook page here  and I would appreciate it if you would "like" my page.  Thank you so much! 


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